Travel Info
ALG Vacations®
2605 Kaanapali Parkway, Lahaina Maui, HI 96761 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Special Reduced Rates!
Discount is already reflected in the vacation package.
Applicable promotions will display with your room selection. Some restrictions may apply.
Subject to cancel penalty upon booking. No cancellations or changes allowed.
Includes Breakfast for Two!
Guests will receive up to 2 breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 breakfast daily per room. Additional adults and children will be charged regular breakfast rates. Gratuities are not included. More specific breakfast details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Pricing is based on Quad Occupancy
If booked with 4 passengers, pricing is based on quad occupancy. Extra person charges for up to 4 persons in room included in cost of vacation package.
Pricing is based on Quad Occupancy. Room and Breakfast for 4.
Pricing is based on Triple Occupancy
If booked with 3 passengers, pricing is based on triple occupancy. Extra person charges for up to 3 persons in room included in cost of vacation package.
Room and Breakfast for 3! Pricing is based on Triple Occupancy.
$50 USD Hotel Credit!
Guests will receive, at a minimum, a $50.00 hotel resort credit per room to be used as indicated by hotel at check-in. There is no compensation for any un-used portion of the credit.
Includes Breakfast and Evening Meal for up to 3 Adults! Pricing is based on Triple Occupancy.
Daily breakfast and dinner is included for up to 3 adults per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional dining details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Includes Breakfast and Evening Meal for up to 4 Adults! Pricing is based on quad occupancy.
Daily breakfast and dinner is included for up to 4 adults per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional dining details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Includes Breakfast, Lunch and Evening Meal for up to 3 Adults! Pricing is based on Triple Occupancy.
Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner is included for up to 3 adults per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional dining details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Includes Breakfast, Lunch and Evening Meal for up to 4 Adults! Pricing is based on Quad Occupancy.
Daily breakfast, lunch and dinner is included for up to 4 adults per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional dining details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Save 25% and Breakfast for 2!
Savings are reflected in the vacation price. Guests will receive up to 2 breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 breakfast daily per room. Additional adults and children will be charged regular breakfast rates. Gratuities are not included. Details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Stay 3 Save 20% + Breakfast for 2!
Savings reflected in vacation price. Guests will receive up to 2 breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 breakfast daily per room. Additional adults and children will be charged regular breakfast rates. Gratuities are not included. Details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Save up to 10%! Non-refundable Rate - No cancellations or changes allowed.
The discount is already reflected in the vacation price. Non-refundable Rate - No cancellations or changes allowed.
$100 Hotel credit and breakfast for 2!
Guests will receive a $100.00 hotel resort credit per room to be used as indicated by hotel at check-in. There is no compensation for any un-used portion of the credit. Guests will receive up to 2 complimentary breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 complimentary breakfast daily per room. Gratuities not included.Additional breakfast details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
$100 USD Hotel Credit!
Guests will receive, at a minimum, a $100.00 hotel resort credit per room to be used as indicated by hotel at check-in. There is no compensation for any un-used portion of the credit.
$25 Hotel Credit and Breakfast for 2!
Guests will receive a $25.00 hotel resort credit per room to be used as indicated by hotel at check-in. There is no compensation for any un-used portion of the credit. Guests will receive up to 2 complimentary breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 complimentary breakfast daily per room. Gratuities not included. Additional breakfast details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
$25 USD Hotel Credit!
Guests will receive, at a minimum, a $25.00 hotel resort credit per room to be used as indicated by hotel at check-in. There is no compensation for any un-used portion of the credit.
$50 Hotel Credit and Breakfast for 2!
Guests will receive a $50.00 hotel resort credit per room to be used as indicated by hotel at check-in. There is no compensation for any un-used portion of the credit. Guests will receive up to 2 complimentary breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 complimentary breakfast daily per room. Gratuities not included. Additional breakfast details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Guests will receive, at a minimum, a $50.00 hotel resort credit to be used as indicated by hotel at check-in. There is no compensation for any un-used portion of the credit.
Breakfast and Evening Meal for 2 Adults!
Guests will receive up to 2 complimentary breakfasts and dinners daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 complimentary breakfast and dinner daily per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional dining details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Breakfast, Lunch and Evening Meal for 2 Adults!
Guests will receive up to 2 complimentary breakfasts, lunch and dinners daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 complimentary breakfast, lunch and dinner daily per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional dining details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Complimentary Upgrade and breakfast for 2 Included!
Guest has been booked in an already upgraded room category. Rate is appropriate to already booking in upgraded room. Guests will receive up to 2 breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 breakfast daily per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional adults and children will be charged regular breakfast rates.Additional breakfast details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Complimentary Upgrade Included!
Guest has been booked in an already upgraded room category. Rate is appropriate to already booking in upgraded room.
Inclusive of all meals and drinks for 2 Adults!
Guests will receive up to 2 complimentary breakfasts, lunch and dinners daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 complimentary breakfast, lunch and dinner daily per room. Some beverages included. Gratuities are not included. Additional dining and drinks details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Save 25% and Breakfast for 2
Savings reflected in quoted package price. Guests will receive up to 2 complimentary breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 complimentary breakfast daily per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional adults and children will be charged regular breakfast rates. Additional breakfast details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Save 30% and Breakfast for 2
Savings reflected in quoted package price. Guests will receive up to 2 complimentary breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 complimentary breakfast daily per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional adults and children will be charged regular breakfast rates.Additional breakfast details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Save 30% and Breakfast for 2!
Savings reflected in vacation price. Guests will receive up to 2 complimentary breakfasts daily per room. Single occupancy will receive 1 complimentary breakfast daily per room. Gratuities are not included. Additional adults and children will be charged regular breakfast rates. Additional breakfast details will be provided by hotel at check-in.
Stay 4 and Save 25%
Savings reflected in the cost of your vacation package price.
Stay 4 and Save 25%!
Discount is already reflected in the package rate.
Stay and Save, Stay 3 Save 20% + Breakfast for 2
Stay and Save, Stay 3 Save 20%!
Stay and Save, Stay 7 Save 30%!
The discount is already reflected in the vacation price.
sqm, wireless internet, complimentary, coffee tea ea maker
microwave, 854, wireless internet, complimentar y, coffee/tea maker
, wireless internet, complimentary, coffee/tea maker
qft/37 sqm-419 sqft/38 sqm, wireless internet, complimentary plimentary, coffee/tea maker
ss internet, complimentary, coffee/tea maker
t/31 sqm, wireless internet, complimentary, coff ee/tea maker
31 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee tea maker
d mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet 60 square meters 679 square feet t 61 square meters separate living room wireless internet
37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters wireless internet complimentary mentary coffee tea maker
icrowave 854 square feet 77 square meters wireless internet complimentary plimentary coffee tea maker
wireless internet, complimentary, coffee/tea m aker
t/31 sqm, wireless internet, complimentary, coff ee/tea maker, 50 in/127 cm lcd television
microwave, 1600 sqft/144 sqm, dining area, separ ate living room, wireless internet, complimentary
dge, microwave, 667 sqft/60 sqm, separate living room, wireless internet, complimentary, coffee/
sqm, wireless internet, complimentary, coffee tea ea maker, 50 in/127 cm lcd television
microwave, 854, wireless internet, complimentar y, coffee/tea maker, 50 in/127 cm lcd television
e, microwave, 416 sqft/37 sqm-419 sqft/38 sqm, wire less internet, complimentary, coffee/tea maker
/37 sqm-419 sqft/38 sqm, wireless internet, complimentary mentary, coffee/tea maker
bed, mini fridge, microwave, 667 sqft/60 sqm, separate arate living room, wireless internet, complimentary
icrowave, 854 sqft/77 sqm, wireless internet, complimentary plimentary, coffee/tea maker
31 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee tea m aker
ess internet for a fee coffee tea maker
e: murphy wall bed mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet 60 square meters living sitting area separate living
ed mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet 60 square meters sepa rate living room wireless internet complimentary
ge microwave 667 square feet 60 square meters separate living r oom wireless internet complimentary coffee t
qm wireless internet complimentary coffee te a maker
wireless internet for a fee coffee tea maker
microwave separate living room wireless int ernet for a fee coffee tea maker
e 416 square feet 37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters wireless internet et complimentary coffee tea maker
e 854 square feet 77 square meters wireless internet complimentary ary coffee tea maker
avenue 416 square feet 37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters wireless internet rnet complimentary coffee tea maker
square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee t ea maker
microwave 854 wireless internet complimentar y coffee tea maker
qft 37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters wireless internet complimentary plimentary coffee tea maker
ss internet complimentary coffee tea maker
t 31 square meters wireless internet complimentary coff ee tea maker
feet 37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters wireless internet complimentary limentary coffee tea maker
s internet complimentary coffee tea maker
dge microwave 416 square feet 37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters wi reless internet complimentary coffee tea maker
y wall bed mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet 60 s qm living sitting area separate living room
1 king mini refrigerator 340 square feet or 31 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee or tea maker 50 inch or 127 centimeters lcd television
full kitchen mini refrigerator microwave 1600 square feet or 144 square meters dining area separate living room wireless internet complimentary
mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet or 60 square meters separate living room wireless internet complimentary coffee or
2 doubles mini refrigerator 340 square feet or 31 square meter wireless internet complimentary coffee or tea maker 50 inch or 127 centimeters lcd television
mini refrigerator microwave 854 wireless internet complimentary coffee or tea maker 50 inch or 127 centimeters lcd television
dge, microwave, 667sqft/60sqm, separate living room, wireless internet, complimentary, coffee/
31 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee tea maker 50in 127cm lcd television
icrowave 854 square feet 77 square meters wireless internet complimentary plimentary coffee tea maker 50in 127cm lcd television
alternate murphy or wall bed mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet or 60 square meters separate living room wireless internet complimentary
hy/wall bed, mini fridge, microwave, 667sqft/60 sqm, living/sitting area, separate living room,
2 doubles mini refrigerator microwave 416 square feet or 37 square meters to 419 square feet or 38 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee or tea maker
1 king mini refrigerator 416 square feet or 37 square meters to 419 square feet or 38 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee or tea maker 50 inch or 127 centimeters lcd television
mini refrigerator microwave 854 square feet or 77 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee or tea maker 50 inch or 127 centimeters lcd television
The amenities listed in this description represent a sample of amenities available in some or all guest rooms in this hotel
alternate murp hy or wall bed mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet or 60 square meter living or sitting area separate living room
1 king mini refrigerator microwave 416 square feet or 37 square meters to 419 square feet or 38 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee or tea maker
2 doubles mini refrigerator 416 square feet or 37 square meters to 419 square feet or 38 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee or tea maker 50 inch or 127 centimeters lcd television
2 doubles mini refrigerator 340 wireless internet complimentary coffee or tea maker 50 inch or 127 centimeters lcd television
1 king mini refrigerator 340 square feet or 31 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee or team aker 50 inch or 127 centimeters lcd television
alternate murphy or wall bed mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet or 60 square meters to 679 square feet or 61 square meters separate living room wireless internet
idge microwave 416 square feet 37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters with ireless internet complimentary coffee tea maker
/37 sqm-419 sqft/38 sqm, wireless internet, complimentary mentary, coffee/tea maker, 50 in/127 cm lcd television
e, microwave, 416 sqft/37 sqm-419 sqft/38 sqm, wire less internet, complimentary, coffee/tea maker,
idge, microwave, 416 sqft/37 sqm-419 sqft/38 sqm, with ireless internet, complimentary, coffee/tea maker
hy/wall bed, mini fridge, microwave, 667 sqft/60 sqm, living/sitting area, separate living room,
icrowave, 854 sqft/77 sqm, wireless internet, complimentary plimentary, coffee/tea maker, 50 in/127 cm lcd television
, wireless internet, complimentary, coffee/tea maker, 50 in/127 cm lcd television
ss internet, complimentary, coffee/tea maker, 5 0 in/127 cm lcd television
qft/37 sqm-419 sqft/38 sqm, wireless internet, complimentary plimentary, coffee/tea maker, 50 in/127 cm lcd television
d, mini fridge, microwave, 667 sqft/60 sqm-679 square feet t/61 sqm, separate living room, wireless internet
wireless internet, complimentary, coffee/tea m aker, 50 in/127 cm lcd television
bed mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet 60 square meters separate arate living room wireless internet complimentary
37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters wireless internet complimentary mentary coffee tea maker 50in 127cm lcd television
dge microwave 667 square feet 60 square meters separate living room wireless internet complimentary coffee
d mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet 60 square meters 679sqf t 61 square meters separate living room wireless internet
hy wall bed mini refrigerator microwave 667 square feet 60 square meters living sitting area separate living room
e microwave 416 square feet 37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters wire less internet complimentary coffee tea maker
qft 37 square meters 419 square feet 38 square meters wireless internet complimentary plimentary coffee tea maker 50in 127cm lcd television
microwave 1600 square feet 144 square meters dining area separ ate living room wireless internet complimentary
square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee t ea maker 50in 127cm lcd television
31 square meters wireless internet complimentary coffee tea m aker 50in 127cm lcd television
t 31 square meters wireless internet complimentary coff ee tea maker 50in 127cm lcd television
Cool off with Hawaiian-style shaved ice, a local favorite. Offering over 30 flavors!
This open-air Kaanapali restaurant serves a range of tempting lunch and dinner options inspired by the flavors of Maui. Located right on Kaanapali Beach, join us for the nightly torch lighting and cliff dive ceremony.
Start your day with delicious a la carte breakfast in Kaanapali and our popular No Ka Oi breakfast bu?et.
Enjoy Paci?c Rim cuisine highlighting locally-grown ingredients. Reservations are recommended for dinner.
Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa offers guests an exclusive dining experience. Relax in the privacy of our beachfront dinner bungalow and indulge in a customized menu, with island-inspired ingredients, for up to four guests.
Located just steps from Maui's famous Kaanapali Beach, Mai Tai Bar is an ideal setting for sipping on your favorite umbrella drink and enjoying tasty poolside bites.
Discover the remarkable stories, history, and culture of the Valley Isle and Kaanapali through the songs and dances of Maui and the Pacific.
At Teppan-yaki Dan, skilled chefs prepare fresh lobster, steak and more right before your eyes. This Japanese restaurant in Kaanapali also offers a wide selection of sakes and fine wines to complement your entree.
Proudly brewing Starbucks coffee and serving a selection of housemade pastries and breakfast bites.
Enjoy panoramic views of Kaanapali Beach, signature cocktails, and local bites infused with island flavors from this oceanfront dining restaurant in Kaanapali.